Welcome To Christ Church of India

" Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me " - Mathew 25:40

The Prison Ministry team aims to provide a regular consistent spiritual food to the prisoners to enable them to grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Vision: The vision of this ministry is to share the Good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the prisoners and their family members.

Mission : It is the mission of this ministry to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to prisoners throughout the San Francisco / San Jose Bay Area, and to minister to the needs of their families.

Since 1996, the Prison Ministry team visits the Dublin Women's Federal correctional Institute (FCI-Dublin) each month to provide an in-prison bible study to the inmates. Following a brief prayer giving praise to the Lord, a one-hour bible study is held in the chapel, inside the prison.

After meditating upon the Word the group participates in some interactive and live discussion, talks and exchanges of thoughts/ideas of how to apply the word of God into daily practical life. The bible study is closed with a prayer of praise items and prayer requests regarding the personal concerns/praises of the individual inmates.

During the past year we have observed young girls and ladies grow in faith, grow in their understanding of the Word and grow in their Christian walk.

Week after week, the dedicated inmates are very eager to attend this Sunday-noon bible study, bringing new unbelieving inmates along with them. Moreover, it is a joy to see few inmates complete their time and go back home to re-unite with their family as a new changed person to share the gospel with rest of the family members.

Just last week a dear believer was so excited because it was her last week at the prison. All of the ladies inmates participating in the Dublin Pleasanton Bible study are co-operative and very enthusiastic to meditate on the Lords Word. The Bible study is usually attended by around 8 to 10 ladies. All our church volunteers who visit the prison-site had undergone "Prison fellowship Training" conducted by Prison Fellowship. Moreover, a follow-up refresher orientation course is conducted by the FCI prison itself, every year to keep the volunteers up-to-date. All new volunteers for Prison ministry have to undergo the orientation program.